
Land Use Effects on Coastal Water and Infractructure in PR

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2001-01-01 Land Use Effects on Coastal Water and Infractructure in PR RAmirez G., H.A. MInnigh, H. Hertler. 2001. AWRA. University of Dundee International Specialty Conference, Scotland, UK.  

Subtropical Oysters as Indicators of Ecosystem Health

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1990-01-01 Subtropical Oysters as Indicators of Ecosystem Health Hertler H., H. Minnigh, G. Ramirez., D. Kreeger. Presentacion Oral. International Marine Conservation Congresss IMCC 2009. Virginia USA.  

Flat Tree Oysters as Indicators in Sub-Tropical Dry Climates

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2007-11-16 Flat Tree Oysters as Indicators in Sub-Tropical Dry Climates Hertler. H, L. Martinez, D. Kregger, H. Minnigh, G. Ramirez. Estuarine Research FEderation, Providencen RI. (Oral Presentation). SCI006-1638  

Drainwaters: Biological Responses to Water Quality

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2014-08-18 Drainwaters: Biological Responses to Water Quality G I Ramírez Toro and H A Minnigh. III Regional AIDIS Congress for North America and the Caribbean- June 8-12,1997)  

Staged Habitat Restoration Understanding the System is the Key

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2014-08-18 Staged Habitat Restoration Understanding the System is the Key Minnigh, H.A., A. Ruiz, and G.I. Ramírez. 1999. Staged Habitat Restoration: Understanding the System is the Key. IV Regional AIDIS Congress for North America and the Caribbean. Kingston, Jamaica.  

Water Quality in Tropical Waters In Relation to Onshore Development

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2014-08-18 Water Quality in Tropical Waters In Relation to Onshore Development Ramírez, G., H.A. Minnigh,, R. Viqueira, H. Hertler, and C. Ferrer-Graniela. 2000. Water Quality in Tropical Waters in Relation to Onshore Development. WEFTC North Amercia 2000, 73th Annual Water Environmental Conference. California.  


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2014-08-18 VALUING WATER IN RURAL PUERTO RICO Minnigh, HA, G. Ramírez-Toro. 2001 Valuing Water Rural in Puerto Rico. AWRA. University of Dundee International Specialty Conference. August, Scotland, UK. 2001.  


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2014-08-18 ABSTRACT Both imperfect fungi and yeast cultures isolated frompotable water samples were grown in sterile, chlorine-demand-free (CDF) systems containing sterile glassslides. These systems were constantly mixed at ratesthat provided 110 cm/sec at the slide surface. Slidesfrom these systems were transferred to each of twosterile, CDF systems containing sterile slides, one with(0.1 to 1.0 mg/L) and one without chlorine. Thesesecondary systems were sampled after incubation andchlorination at concentrations up to 0.8 mg/L foryeasts and 2.0 mg/L for molds. Counts of organismswere made by plate count techniques for bulk water,rinses and scrapes from slides, and by directmicroscopic count of attached organisms.Organisms were able to colonize both the bulkwater and the slides in the secondary systems even inthe presence of chlorine concentrations higher thanthose normally found in distribution systems.Planktonic and attached organisms from older biofilmsshowed more resistance to chlorine.Attachment allowed survivals 2 to 10 timeshigher than planktonic cells for fungi. Fungal isolates,in densities found in water distribution systems, onchlorination at levels typical of water distributionsystems, produced levels of trihalomethanes (THMs)in excess of the US EPA MCL Ramirez-Toro, G.I., H.A. Minnigh, and C. O. Vázquez. 2002. Pathogen TMDLs: A Review of Puerto Rican Monitoring in Natural and Coastal Waters:. Attachment and Colonization of Fungi in Potable Water Distribution System; Its Role in the Production of THMS. Session No. 248/Q. ASM 102nd General Meeting . Salt Lake , Utah. May 19-23, 2002.  

A Protocol for Isolating Salmonella in Small, Remote Drinking Water Systems: Links to Standard Microbial Water Quality Indicators

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2014-08-18 A Protocol for Isolating Salmonella in Small, Remote Drinking Water Systems: Links to Standard Microbial Water Quality Indicators Ramírez, G., Herson, D., Verville, K., Minnigh, H., (Junio 2009) “Protocol for Isolating Salmonella in Small, Remote drinking water System: Links to Standard Microbial Water Quality Indicators.” (Poster A83) 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology Naxos Island, Grecia.  

Indicator and pathogen occurrence in shellfish and their environments in Puerto Rico

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2014-08-18 Indicator and pathogen occurrence in shellfish and their environments in Puerto Rico Ramírez, G.Karina Ballester, Heidi Hertler, Harvey Minnigh and Jay Levine , (octubre 2011). Indicators and pathogens occurrence in shellfish and their environment in Puerto Rico. Presentación de afiche científico en Conference Water and Health; where science meets policy.